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Things YOU can do to improve YOUR mental wellbeing


1. Have self worth - Dont be to harsh on yourself. Realise your attributes and Treat yourself with kindness, respect, and avoid self-criticism. Do things you LOVE, Make time for your hobbies. Play a new sport watch a new tv show learn to play an instrument join clubs or activities at school.


2. Treat your body wih care - A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. REMEBER! Eat healthy and nutrient rich meals, Drink alot of water, Exercise and Get enough sleep.Avoid cigarettes drugs and alcohol


3. Relax - Try meditating or just relaxing by your self by listenning to music or doing a yoga class Relaxation exercises can improve your state of mind and your outlook on life yourself and others.


4. Set realistic goals - Make goals on all aspects of your life whether it is academically or personally and write down the steps you need to achieve your goals. Aim high but keep it realistic. By setting goals you will feel a great sense of accomplishment and it will imporve self-worth.


5. Get help when you need - Getting help is a sign of strength not weakness . it is important to seek help as it will make the road to recovery alot easier.

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